PAPI variable
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Function Description
Analyse whether the player's world can respawn EnderDragon now.%ed_can_respawn_<world_name>%
Analyse whether this world can respawn EnderDragon now.
Return: true
countdown progress
Get the progress of respawn_cd in the player's world.%ed_respawn_cd_progress_<world_name>%
Get the progress of respawn_cd in this world.
Return: 0-1
Returning null indicates that there is no respawn countdown in current world.
If the progress remains unchanged at 1, it indicates that the respawn countdown has been set but not started.
countdown remain seconds
Get the remain seconds of the respawn_cd in the player's world.%ed_respawn_cd_remainTime_<world_name>%
Get the remain seconds of the respawn_cd in this world.
Return: (seconds)
(Returning null indicates that there is no respawn countdown in current world)
countdown set seconds
Get the set seconds of the respawn_cd in the player's world.%ed_respawn_cd_setTime_<world_name>%
Get the remain seconds of the respawn_cd in this world.
Return: (seconds)
(Returning null indicates that there is no respawn countdown in current world)
countdown remain seconds (with format)
You maybe get this: 0d1h0m0s%ed_respawn_cd_remain_<world_name>$days,$hour,$minute,$second%
You maybe get this: 0days,1hour,0minute,0second
Attention! Please don't arbitrarily change the number of separators "$".
Return: (formated string)
(Returning null indicates that there is no respawn countdown in current world)